Continuous data

Load the library and get the observation data and simulation data. In the first example, we'll use a simulated dataset included with the vpc package.

vpc(sim = simple_data$sim, obs = simple_data$obs)
vpc(sim = simple_data$sim, obs = simple_data$obs, lloq = 20)

However, instead we could use observation and simulation data from NONMEM, e.g. (not run):

message=FALSE, error=FALSE}
obs <- read_table_nm("sdtab1")   # an output table with at least ID, TIME, DV
sim <- read_table_nm("simtab1")  # a simulation file with at least ID, TIME, DV

The read_table_nm() function *1 comes with the vpc library and is a fast way to read in output data created from the $TABLE record in NONMEM, including tables with multiple subproblems.

Note: If you imported the data from NONMEM, the VPC function will automatically detect column names from NONMEM, such as ID, TIME, DV. If you simulated data in R or got the data from a different software, you will probably have to change the variable names for the dependent and independent variable, and the individual index.

Next, the VPC can simply be created using:

vpc (sim = sim, obs = obs)

All the lines and areas shown in the plot can be customized in terms of the statistics they show (i.e. the bins, the quantiles for the confidence intervals, prediction-correction, etc), but also esthetic aspects such as the color, size, transparency, etc.

An example with more explicit use of options and theming:

vpc(sim = sim,
       obs = obs,                               # supply simulation and observation dataframes
       obs_cols = list(
         dv = "dv",                             # these column names are the default,
         idv = "time"),                         # update these if different.
       sim_cols = list(
         dv = "sdv",
         idv = "time"),
       bins = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16, 25),     # specify bin separators manually
       stratify = c("sex"),                     # multiple stratifications possible, just supply as vector
       pi = c(0.05, 0.95),                      # prediction interval simulated data to show
       ci = c(0.05, 0.95),                      # confidence intervals to show
       pred_corr = FALSE,                       # perform prediction-correction?
       show = list(obs_dv = TRUE),              # plot observations?
       facet = "rows",                          # wrap stratifications, or as "row" or "column"
       ylab = "Concentration",
       xlab = "Time (hrs)")

*1 originally written by Benjamin Guiastrennec.

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